Wednesday, 16 May 2007

The Future of Oral Tradition?

Today i am wondering what might have been written about changes in the nature of Oral Tradition with technological advancements. In particular, the affect of commercial recording industry on traditional music (in Scotland). Other than large amounts of varied music being more accessible, the popular recording artists of the traditional music world are highly influential in shaping the listening habits, repertoire, identity/perception and performance styles of the traditional music community. It is now a primary method of transmission - key artist recording to mass musicians - is this the future of Oral Tradition?

Saturday, 12 May 2007


Hello and welcome to The Lori Watson Blog.

I will be keeping a record of ideas and thoughts on Music, Research and Life both for public consumption and for my own use.

I am currently working on a PhD titled Contemporary Innovation and Traditional Music in Scotland. I'm hoping this Blog will assist me in processing my thoughts and provide a platform for other researchers and interested parties to keep informed of my progress and exchange ideas.