Hello and welcome to The Lori Watson Blog.
I will be keeping a record of ideas and thoughts on Music, Research and Life both for public consumption and for my own use.
I am currently working on a PhD titled Contemporary Innovation and Traditional Music in Scotland. I'm hoping this Blog will assist me in processing my thoughts and provide a platform for other researchers and interested parties to keep informed of my progress and exchange ideas.
Sunday photoblogging: Accidental Pollock
6 hours ago
1 comment:
Hi Lori,
Although I'm loathe to dip my toe in to the pond before a ripple has broken the surface, it seems that there are too many important issues in this area to be left unsaid.
Primarily perception of what the labels traditional or'folk' signify, outside of the realm of it's purveyors, practitioners,Folkie musos... call them what you will.
Having the dubious pleasure of analysing what your average twenty- something muso has to say about folk music is a wee bit scary. Judging by what I've read and heard, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the legacy of Dylan and Cat Stevens hadn't really been added to for the past 30 odd years.
there is such a huge amount of new music fusing elements of contemporary with traditional, which goes unnoticed. But in order to convince record buying/downloading pundits will require a shift in the ways in which it is presented....
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